Donate or Become an Associate
Donations to the Schola
The Schola Gregoriana is always very grateful for donations. If you wish to make a one-off donation, you can do so using this button:
Schola Gregoriana, 47 Western Park Road, Leicester, LE3 6HQ
Associates of the Schola
Anyone, singer or non-singer, wishing to be associated with our aims, and who would like to help and support our work of teaching and performing the chant is invited to become an Associate.
Choirs are welcomed as Associates in the name of their representative (at a minimum subscription/donation of £30 per year).
Associates help the Schola immensely by organising events and advising the Schola of local opportunities for singing the chant.
Associates donate at least £20 per year and receive our newsletter giving details of forthcoming singing days, reviews of past events, and items of general news and views relating to the chant, pilgrimages and other activities in which they are welcome and encouraged to take part.
You can use the button below to set up a regular donation and join as an Associate. You can also use this to renew your Associate status if you do not already pay by standing order or a similar recurring payment method. We would encourage you to fill in a gift aid declaration if you are able to do so; the necessary form is sent to new Associates or can be downloaded here.
Schola Gregoriana, 142 Brampton Road, St Albans, AL1 4PY