POSTPONEMENT of Portsmouth Gregorian Chant Course 2020-2021


Due to the present Covid situation, with uncertainties and restrictions preventing many people from attending the Portsmouth Chant Course in person, the organisers reluctantly announce that the course will not proceed as originally scheduled on Saturday 19 December 2020. Given that similar uncertainties pertain to the immediate future, it has been decided that rather than delay the start by a few weeks, we will postpone the course until further notice.

We are very grateful for the support of the Schola Gregoriana and the Marian Franciscan Friars; the LMS; and the parish priest, Fr Maunder, and trustees of St Agatha’s church, Portsmouth. In particular we would like to thank all those who signed up to join all or part of the course, either in person or by Zoom. We will be in touch with all participants individually to refund fees paid in advance.

We remain passionate about teaching the beauty and knowledge of singing Gregorian Chant to new followers and helping experienced singers develop their chant interpretative and performance skills.

We plan to relaunch the course in autumn 2021 and intend to announce details in early summer to give maximum notice for early bookings.
Organisers of the Portsmouth Chant Course
11 December 2020

Schola Gregoriana is delighted to be a partner this important new Gregorian Chant venture in Portsmouth.

Do check the Events page for further details (by clicking on the Events tab above).

Iain Simcock, the Director of Schola Gregoriana, has provided the following short introductory video clips for the Course: