Young Catholic Adults and Schola Gregoriana Retreat
Douai Abbey Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd October 2017
For some years Associates of the Schola have been joining with the YCA on a weekend retreat, usually in the autumn at Douai Abbey. This year is no exception. The YCA is a group which promotes the spirit of orthodoxy with charity; it has a deliberately non-divisive outlook, and uses the Church’s devotional heritage in order to aid souls. At these retreats the Schola leads the singing at Mass and the daily Offices in the old rite, and encourages YCA members to join in rehearsals as part of our mission to pass the heritage of the Chant on to successive generations. The lecture programmes of the YCA and Schola rehearsals are linked and timed to allow members of either organisation to attend both. Each day ends with a social gathering at which old friendships are renewed and new ones made.
If you wish to join, and for all further details, please contact us at or by any of the methods on our contact page.