We hope you find the Schola Gregoriana website useful. By using the tabs above, you will be able to access any posts of forthcoming events and also read accounts of past activities.

The History and Future of Gregorian Chant

a Talk on The History and Future of Gregorian Chant in the Roman Liturgy

by Thomas Neal, MA (Cantab), MPhil (Cantab), MEd (B’ham), FRSA,

Director of Music at New College School, Oxford and organist at

St Michael the Archangel, Burghclere

Friday 7 February, 7:45pm, at Blessed Hugh of Faringdon Parish Hall,

Marlborough Street, Faringdon, SN7 7JE


For further details click on the Events tab 


St Dunstan Chant Day, St Mary’s Iffley, Oxford, Saturday 17 May, 2025

More details later, but a day in honour of St Dunstan (feast day 19 May), based on research by one of our younger Associates Henry Darlison, working from the beautiful Worcester Antiphoner, containing (we believe) the sole surviving example of the Office of St Dunstan. Before St Thomas a Becket, St Dunstan was perhaps the most popular saint in England. This will be a joint project in association with St Mary’s church, a most enthusiastic and welcoming community, working in a stunning 12th Century building.

Evening workshops London Spring 2025

Very often we are asked when these workshops will resume – and it has been a continual frustration to us that we have been unable to provide this help to singers. Laus Deo, that is going to change! Our Trustee and ex-Director Jeremy White is shortly to retire from the Royal Opera House, and is willing to take this on – we’re most grateful to him! More news shortly…

Can we arrange a Chant Day in your area?

“The chant should be given pride of place in liturgical services”. (Vat.Council II Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy No.116).

Do you know of a suitable venue for us to hold a Chant Day in your area?

Are there people in your area who might be interested in taking part?

If so, do please get in touch so that we can see if it is possible to put on a suitable event!

Associates: are you receiving our messages?!

Dear Associates, you should be receiving regular emails from us about our activities. If that is not the case it looks as though we don’t have your correct email address!

Do please send us your correct email to info@scholagregoriana.org

A Century of Chant Recordings

Having recently drawn attention to the new recording of music for Christmas Matins, Sancta Nox, it seems appropriate to take a look at the evolution of Gregorian Chant recordings generally. 

Click on News and Opinion tab above for the full story

Sancta Nox: Matins for Christmas

A new recording of chant and polyphony for Christmas Matins by The Seminarians of Saint Peter, Wigratzbad, has almost sold out! There are still a few copies of the CD available in the UK and the tracks are also available as a download. Click on ‘News & Opinion’ tab above for more information.

The role of the Organ in the Liturgy

As new restrictions are about to be imposed thanks to the pandemic, readers might like to take a moment to ponder an uplifting reflection, for the start of the new liturgical year, on the role of the organ (and the organist) in the liturgy by Schola Gregoriana Director, Iain Simcock. Click on the News and Opinion tab (above) for the full text…                                                                      


Schola Gregoriana contribution to:

Thomas Becket: Murder and the Making of a Saint

British Museum: 20 May to 22 August 2021

The Schola’s recording of the Unfinished Vespers HAVPCD 192 is to form the aural backdrop to this exciting new exhibition.

There are a number of events in May designed to provide further infomation; full details available at:


Live video-stream from Le Barroux available again

The Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Le Barroux are once again providing a live video-stream for the daily conventual high Mass (preceded by the short office of Terce) in addition to their regular audio-stream of the daily Offices. A great opportunity to experience the perfection of the liturgy and the chant. Do take advantage of this now. The Mass is generally at 8.30am (weekdays) and 9.00am (Sundays and feast days); follow the link under Gregorian chant in the time of Coronavirus on this page.